Use Of at And crontab command


Use Of AT & Crontab To Schedule A Job

at and crontab command both of them are use for scheduling a job in the server however the basic difference between both of them is that "at" command can be use to schedule a job only once however using cronab we can schedule a job in occurrence.


Validate at is installed or not in the server

Validate atd process is running or not

To schedule a job using "at" command the at process must be running.             

How To Schedule A Job Using AT command

[root@LAPTOP-U2OPV1ET automation]# echo "/root/automation/" | at 17:39

Remove Job That Were Schedule Using at command

Use Of Crontab

Crontab is use to schedule a job to run at a fix time interval.

                                           Format To Schedule A Job In Crontab

* * * * * < Script_Path >


Schedule a job To get the date info and Run In Every Minute

Remove All Crontab Jobs

Disable Specific Crontab Job

To remove a specific crontab job you can either comment it or remove the job’s entry from crontab.                                                                                                                                          


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