Huge Pages In Linux


Memory is one of the core parts of the operating system which store the data however the memory is always volatile but still it helps to reduce to provide lower latency and high throughput while reading the data because memory IO is always faster than the Disk IO.

How Kernel Manages Memory

The kernel manages the memory in the form of pages or alternatively we can say that the storage unit in memory is pages and the default size of each page is 4KB which is suitable for most of the software to run without any issue and those pages are manage by the memory management unit of CPU.

                         How MMU Manage Pages

The MMU basically uses the page table inside the CPU where it stores the page table’s entries to store the page addresses however if the memory size is huge then in that case the overhead of managing page table entries will get increase and in that case the server performance will start degrading.

For e.g.

2 TB Memory = 2*10^9/4KB = 50 million pages, what about the situation when the memory is in several TB and MMU has to manage all those pages size and in addition to that what about the software which actually requires more than 4KB of page size to run properly.

Can We Configure More Than 4KB Of Page Size

Yes, we can configure the page’s size of more than 4KB like 8kb,16kb etc. however there is also a disadvantage of configuring the page’s size of greater than the default size, for e.g. if any software is running under the O/S which require only 4kb of pages size to run then in that case there will be a wastage of memory. So, configuring the pages greater than the standard size depends upon requirement to requirement within the organization.

                                How Huge Pages Manage

Whenever we enable the huge pages then the kernel will create a separate memory structure inside the physical available memory and the software which require the pages size of greater than 4KB they start using that separate memory structure in the form of huge pages. For e.g. in oracle Exadata system where the memory is in several TB and also the default block size is 8KB which is greater than the standard block size of O/S.

What Happen If We Don’t Use Huge Pages In Oracle

The default block size in oracle is 8KB which means that a single block will not get fit into a single page due to which MMU also has to manage the multiple page entries for a single database block which eventually lead to degrading the database performance and even when Exadata system comes into role where the memory is in several Terabytes then it can also become more challenging for O/S to  manage the database block information , so to overcome this issue Linux kernel provide the feature of huge pages so that the databases running inside Exadata machine can use that huge pages to manage the database block.

 The default size of huge page is 2MB.

          Points To Consider While Configuring HugePages

The most important point that any DBA and system admin must have to consider while configuring the huge pages is that the total size of the SGA for all the databases running in a server collectively must not exceed the total no. of huge pages available, otherwise the database will fail to start due to the lack of huge pages availability still it depends upon the parameter that we’ve set inside the database system to use huge pages configuration. For E.g. if the collective size of SGA for all the database available in the server will be 100GB then the availability of huge pages should be 102400/2MB=51200 huge pages must be available into the server.

 How Database use the huge pages In Exadata/Non-Exadata System

The usage of huge pages by the database system always depends upon the parameter use_large_pages however there are several values that can be set for this parameter and on the basis of that the database’s system decides how to use available huge pages.

FALSE: setting the value to false means that the database will not use huge pages and this is not recommended by the oracle especially in the case of large SGA size to achieve better performance.

TRUE: setting the parameter value to true instruct the database to allocate the memory from the huge pages first prior to allocate the memory from the standard page size.

AUTO: setting this parameter value to auto instruct the database to automatically configure the require huge pages for the database and then start using O/S page if the huge page is not sufficiently available. Setting this value is not recommended however this value is use to eliminate the coordination between DBA and system admin.

ONLY: This is the most recommended value by the oracle to use huge page by the database system because setting the parameter value to ONLY will instruct database to use only the pages resides inside the huge pages and if the sufficient huge page will not be available then the database system will fail to start.

AUTO_ONLY: setting the parameter value to AUTO_ONLY automatically determine huge page required for database to start and it also only uses the huge pages resides inside the available huge pages.

                             How To Configure HugePages

Huge pages usually require server bounce if we’re not doing either from super user or from root, however if we’re executing it from root user then we can run systemctl -p after configuring the huge pages and the value will start get reflecting.

[root@ORATEST ~]# echo "vm.nr_hugepages=2048" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

[root@ORATEST ~]# cat /etc/sysctl.conf


[root@ORATEST ~]# sysctl -p

vm.nr_hugepages = 2048

 [root@ORATEST ~]#  cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i huge

AnonHugePages:    178176 kB

ShmemHugePages:        0 kB

FileHugePages:         0 kB

HugePages_Total:     753

HugePages_Free:      753

HugePages_Rsvd:        0

HugePages_Surp:        0

Hugepagesize:       2048 kB

Hugetlb:         1542144 kB

 NOTE: HugePages_Total * Hugepagesize

753 *2M = 1506MB  of huge pages will be available for SGA.

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